Sunday, April 24, 2011

Visiting Anchor Point

This is clayten's first offical road trip. We went to visit Jason and Joanna.

 Rishon was being so sweet. Clayten was screaming and Wesson was completely sacked out.
Rishon was finally "I'm out of here man".


  1. Wow, Clayten looks huge next to Wesson. Rishon looks so much like Joanna at that age. Cute pics.

  2. hahahaha that is soooo funny......!!! =o)

  3. Oh my goodness these are cute pictures. Looks like you guys had such a good time.

  4. Haha these are definitely "multiple children" pictures! I love it, they're so funny. :o) I'm glad ou guys got to go down and that you had a good time!

  5. So funny! I wouldn't have wanted to be in the middle of those two either. :) Just wait Kassandra, you're gonna have you hands full too soon. :)
