Saturday, March 24, 2012


Ok, here's the surprise from Lisa's camera point of view. Pretty fun.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bandon Vacation

The Ultimate surprise. Gene and Suzie thought Caleb and I were the only ones coming to the beach house. We showed up with the whole family plus Jason Jo and the boys, they were shocked.

Last stop before surprise.

Humphrey Girls

Baby Possum - he was oh so cuddly.

I don't remember what this was called, but he was adorable.

Help me Aunty Krista, he's kissing me.
Caleb Gene and Jason got two crabs. We tried them for dinner.

Tunnle of Trees.

I think Uncle Jim said this one was 2 days old.
Jason calf ropping.
An old abandoned house near Fossil, OR.